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    21 Clever Ideas To Vastly Improve Your Halloween Pumpkins

    You're so much better than a standard-issue grinning face.

    1. Turn a basic pumpkin into a totally-not-basic burger.

    2. Make bird feeders out of gourds.

    3. And hedgehogs with string lights.

    4. Pumpkins are only impressive if they're ~designer~.

    5. Or if they're Pac-Man-inspired.

    6. You can have a cannibal pumpkin.

    7. Or a pumpkin with a skull.

    8. Pay homage to objectively the greatest Halloween movie of all time.


    10. Use mini pumpkins to make balloons for an Up tableau.

    11. Paint oblong pumpkins to look like Minions.

    12. Make a pug-kin.

    13. Or a spider.

    14. Gourds make wide-open owl eyes.

    15. Carrots make knobbly noses.

    16. Big pumpkins make truly excellent beer holders.

    17. Mini pumpkins can become adorable votives.

    18. Pinterest has never met an object it couldn't cover in melted crayon art.

    19. Showcase your brand loyalty.

    20. And your vices.

    21. Where words fail, pumpkins speak.