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    21 Design Fails That Will Make You Feel Better About Your Own Home

    No matter how cramped your house/apartment/hovel, at least you can probably still access your toilet.

    1. This foolproof security system.

    2. This overenthusiastic sink.

    3. This confused floor tile.

    4. And this one.

    5. This brand-conscious house.

    6. These drawers that forgot their life's purpose.

    7. This driveway that will definitely absolutely kill you.

    8. And this garage that you'll never get to enter.

    9. This tilted window.

    10. All of these quasi-unusable toilets.




    14. This MacGyvered light fixture.

    15. And this totally repaired coffee table.

    16. This unclosable door.

    17. And this unopenable one.

    18. This lofty perch.

    19. This statement chandelier.

    20. This door that just wants to be a window.

    21. This horror of horrors.

    But when faced with your own decor nightmare, just remember:

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