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    23 Delightful Pieces Of Faux Taxidermy Where No Animal Actually Died

    Make or buy these awesome, cruelty-free home decor items and rest easy knowing the blood of a jackalope is not on your hands.

    1. DIY Mounted Piñata Head

    2. Orange Resin Antlers, $45

    3. Sleepy Giraffe Head, €58.00

    4. Mr. Fox, $220

    5. DIY Washi Tape Antlers

    6. Wire Deer Head, $80

    7. DIY Wire Deer Head

    8. Hadrosaurus Head, $199

    9. Glossy Miniature Elephant Head, $55

    10. Woodland Plushies, $35 each

    11. DIY Faux Taxidermy Ornaments

    12. Tiny Ram Head, $70

    13. Silk and Plaid Jackalope, $300

    14. Folded Paper Deer Heads, $9 for three

    15. DIY Cardboard Deer Head

    16. Jackalope Necklace, $35

    17. Deer Rear, $20

    18. DIY Paper Mache Zebra

    19. Mounted Tentacle, $25

    20. DIY Crocheted Rhino

    21. DIY Knitted Deer Head

    22. Mounted Bicycle Handlebars

    23. Zombie Trophy Head, $149