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27 Everyday Objects That Went Beyond The Call Of Duty

Somebody get this binder clip a medal.

1. This highly soothing drill.

2. And this sweet-toothed one.

3. These resourceful flip-flops.

4. These bold slippers.

5. This culinarily ambitious soda can.

6. This brave little binder clip.

7. And this binder clip that will totally keep your baby in line.

8. This bobby pin that knows its true value.

9. Everything that went into making this a reality.

10. This retractable leash that might save your damn life*.

11. This doormat that just wants you to live well.

12. This deeply sneaky VitaminWater.

13. This hanger that knows you deserve a good night's sleep.

14. This brave hair elastic.

15. This rubber band that wants you to look your absolute best.

16. This Alton Brown-approved egg carton.

No more unsightly, desperate squeezing of condiment bottles.

17. This fitted sheet that really needs a vacation.

18. This booze-concealing baguette.

19. This comb that will take one for the team.

20. This dishwasher that just wants your world-famous sangria to be a hit.

21. This hair straightener than can do so much more than, you know, straighten hair.

22. This iPod shuffle that's not too proud to help out in a pinch.

23. These Crocs that can FINALLY serve a useful purpose.

24. These illuminating crayons.

25. This inexpressibly helpful mug.

26. This duct tape that knows you can do anything you put your mind to.

27. And this book.