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    27 Incredibly Easy Ways To Upgrade Any Halloween Party

    Raise your spirits while you're raising some spirits.

    1. Turn a pumpkin into a keg.

    2. Use toilet paper rolls to make terrifying glowing eyes.

    3. A rubber glove makes for some truly creepy ice.

    4. Make glow-in-the-dark drinks with tonic water.

    5. Tonic water will make frosting glow as well.

    6. Why settle for regular pong when you can play QUIDDITCH PONG?

    7. Decorate your pong ball so it looks like an eye.

    8. Keep fake nails on hand for guests who don't have costumes.

    9. Or get a few of these temp tats.

    10. To fake major pumpkin skillz, a drill is your greatest ally.

    11. Use a carved pumpkin as an ice bucket.

    12. Or a fondue pot.

    13. Or just make it vomit glowing goop and call it a day.

    14. Fun fact: Apples make highly convincing shrunken heads.

    15. Use vampire teeth as napkin holders.

    16. Paint games like Jenga with glow-in-the-dark paint.

    17. Tape or attach magnets to candy so it sticks to the fridge.

    18. Serve shots in plastic syringes.

    19. And garnish others with radish eyeballs.

    20. If you have a fridge and black paper, you have a ghost.

    21. And if you have a toilet, you have a home for a creature.

    22. Make mummy-dogs.

    23. Add some jack-o'-lantern pizzazz to a basic burger.

    24. A glowstick inside a white balloon becomes a (relatively cute) ghost.

    25. Turn your garage into a monster's face.

    26. Melt a red candle over a white one for a bloody effect.

    27. Play trick-or-treat Bingo.