17 Ingenious Tricks Every Lazy Person Should Know

    The lazy shall inherit the Earth.

    1. If you hate doing dishes, baggies are your dearest friend.

    when you're too lazy to wash out a cup

    2. So are tortillas.

    3. And plastic wrap.

    4. In fact, this is how things really should always be.

    5. Hate exercise? Here's a quick and easy way to get the six-pack you've always dreamed of.

    6. Tip math too intense? We gotchu.

    7. Don't waste precious minutes tying your shoes again.

    8. Sitting up is overrated. Recline instead.

    9. In fact, anywhere can be a napping spot with the proper pillow.

    10. No time to buy groceries? No problem.

    11. And who on this green Earth actually enjoys shopping for shoes?

    12. If you have a baby, you can have a mop.

    13. Who has time to sob while slicing onions? Not this moi.

    14. Tired of futzing around with rulers? Get inked.

    15. Are you or do you know a dude who never wants to lift the toilet seat? Buy a pedal.

    16. Pants are a prison, no matter how important the video interview.

    17. And cleaning is for the weak.