A Definitive Ranking Of Classic Halloween Costumes

    "Definitive" in that if you don't like the order, you can always re-rank it.

    27. Ladybug

    26. Clown

    25. Nurse

    24. Prisoner

    23. Cave Person

    22. Fire Fighter

    21. Police

    20. Devil

    19. Any Superhero

    18. Pirate

    17. Sailor

    16. Dog

    15. Fairy Princess

    14. Anything Patriotic

    13. Bee

    12. Any Disney Character

    11. Pumpkin

    10. Doctor

    9. Referee

    8. Anything From The Wizard of Oz

    7. Putting On a Morph Suit and Calling It a Day

    6. Skeleton

    5. Cat

    4. Witch

    3. Bag of Grapes

    2. Mime

    1. Sheet Ghost