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    22 Insanely Clever Temporary Tattoo Hacks

    They're even better than the forever kind.

    Tattly, the rad sellers of design-y temporary tattoos, keeps a blog where staffers and customers alike can show off their remixes.

    They usually comprise a few totally unrelated tats, mixed and matched to create weird, wonderful little narratives and images. Each one includes a list of exactly which tattoos were featured in each design.

    1. "Live to EAT"

    2. Bull's-eye

    3. Yay Burger!

    4. Rainbow Peace

    5. Poor Dad

    6. Tic-Tac-Toe

    7. Tiny Masterpiece

    8. Cluck You

    9. Delicious Boat

    10. Rainbow Fish

    11. Friendship Bracelets

    12. Cosmos

    13. "OUCH"

    14. Undersea Exploration

    15. True Love

    16. "Let's Smile More"

    17. Veggie Burger

    18. "SLITHER"

    19. High Seas Battle

    20. Refraction

    21. Forbidden Love

    22. "Happy"

    If you have an idea of your own, check out the guidelines here.