Taylor Swift Has Gotten Much More Casual With Her Gymwear

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    You might remember back in 2014, when Taylor Swift was seen every day* leaving the gym looking like she just stepped out of The Notebook.

    *Or what felt like every day.

    You kinda got the feeling she'd just spent three hours in hair and makeup after "sweating" "up" "a" "storm."

    But NOW, in 2016, things have changed.

    THE TIDES HAVE SHIFTED, and 2016 Taylor wears ACTUAL GYM CLOTHES when leaving the gym.

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    Sure, sometimes she'll still throw on some lipstick, but the elements seem to actually affect her now.

    And the wavy hair of her origins is back.

    👀 Maybe it's a small piece of the puzzle of Swiftgate 2016. 👀

    Or maybe it's just Freshman Year vs. Senior Year, Swift Edition.

    Or maybe Tay just wanted to get her exercise on and go home to her cats.

    Any which way, she's still struttin'.

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