Watch The Men From "This Is Us" Carry Each Other On Their Strong Backs

    There's a lot of grunting.

    On this week's episode of This Is Us, Jack (Milo Ventimiglia), carried one of his sons, Randall (Lonnie Chavis), on his back while doing push-ups.

    It was an exercise in Randall's karate class to show how his father and the rest of his community would support him as he walks through life.

    Randall is played by Chavis in flashback scenes but by Sterling K. Brown as an adult. This brings us to the video Milo Ventimiglia posted to Twitter on Wednesday, in which he recreates the Jack/Randall push-up scene...but this time, with Brown.

    I got you @sterlingkb1. Always brother. #ThisIsUs. MV

    Kindly note the grunting and Brown's delightful burst of laughter at the end. And the grunting.

    Brown followed suit, posting a video of himself with Ventimiglia on his back.

    ...And I got you pop, @MiloVentimiglia! #ThisIsUs...

    Please note the shorts, and also the grunting.

    And Justin Hartley — who plays the adult version of Kevin, Randall's brother and Jack's son — rounded it out with a video where he's doing push-ups with Brown on his back.

    .@MiloVentimiglia Right back atcha @Sterlingkb1! #ThisIsUs"

    Notice the complete ease with which Hartley repeatedly lifts this grown man. Like, they could fly away at any moment.

    Oh, and there's also Hartley on Brown's back.

    .@MiloVentimiglia and I got @JustinHartley too. He ain't heavy, he's my brother. #ThisIsUs

    Not as easy, but there's lots of grunting so it evens out!

    :') :') :')

    Families, amiright?!

    Randall is totally my son. @LonnieChavis @sterlingkb1. #ThisIsUs. MV