These 20 Zayn Malik Tweets Offer Expert Responses To Everyday Life

    The most important 20% of One Direction teaches us how to live.

    1. When you hear youthful slang.

    What does ON FLEEK mean ? Like seriously

    2. When your pick-up line falls flat and you're trying to play it cool.

    Clearly some people are not very familiar with flirting :)

    3. When you can barely stand your life.

    4. When you encounter one of life's most consistent disappointments.

    The amount of red gummy Bears in this packet saddens me .. 😶

    5. When it's cold out.

    6. When it's cold out and you're hungry.

    Snow looks like it would taste so good ?

    7. When you're drinkin'.

    Meet my friend ... Jack Daniels :) he's cool, ha

    8. When you're smokin'.

    9. When you're tired.

    10. When you're really tired.

    11. When you stub your toe.

    12. When you have no motherfucks left to give.

    13. When your iPhone turns on you.

    14. When you're thirsting for justice.

    15. When your dog goes missing and you're desperate for answers about who is responsible.

    Who let the dogs out ... Who ? Who? Who? 😜

    16. When that special someone is on your mind.

    what is @harry_styles up to? :)

    17. When you're not sure what direction to take your look.

    I either wanna cut my hair short or grow it really long what dya think ? X

    18. When social media gets you down.

    The reason i don't tweet as much as i use to, is because I'm sick of all the useless opinions and hate that i get daily goodbye twitter :)

    19. When you're at your wit's end.

    20. When you change your attitude despite the haters.

    Just can't live that negative way.... Make way for the positive day -positive vibration 😎