This Artist Blends Celeb Culture And Street Photography For A Hilarious Instagram

    My Day With Leo brings Leo (and many more) to the people.

    My Day With Leo is a photography project by Joel Strong featuring oversize celebrity head cutouts placed onto regular human bodies.

    Strong describes the project as "Flat Stanley meets BOP Magazine."

    The project places larger-than-life personalities into ordinary scenes in New York City.

    Though Leo is in high demand by fans, Kanye West is also a favorite.

    Internet meme favorites like Nicolas Cage also make appearances on My Day With Leo.

    Strong is adamant about not using Photoshop, even to create more complex images.

    Friends and fans of the account appear in the project in more staged scenes.

    Some of the featured celebrities have taken notice of the project, including the stars of Broad City.

    Though pop culture figures are featured often, Strong prefers to feature only his favorites.

    The result is a mix of nostalgic celebrity images and sometimes absurd combinations of the familiar with the famous throughout New York.

    Ariana Grande cowers in fear of a slice.

    Karl Lagerfeld gets a little carried away at the market.

    And of course Grumpy Cat runs the bodega.

    While Beyoncé rides around town looking like a badass.

    More than anything, Strong wants the project to be entertaining.