The Emotional Stages Of Accepting That Your Home Is Haunted

    Submit to your fate, mortal.

    For the most part, you are not a superstitious person.

    But your pet has started to act more skittish than usual.

    And you get the feeling that you're being watched.

    While a number of unexplained occurrences are making you consider ghostly possibilities.

    Slowly, your reading habits begin to change.

    And you slyly try to get rid of the objects that might be contributing to the problem.

    Your apartment that looks like this:

    Starts to look like this in your mind.

    You return home to your building with a greater sense of dread every day.

    Because shadows start to look like a Victorian child who died of the consumption.

    The same child that has obviously taken over your once-beloved childhood toys.

    You run through every possible entryway that could give the ghost access to your bed/soul.

    But that ghost has too much spooky power to be stopped by walls.

    You've tried to let the ghost know who's boss to no avail.

    And you slowly accept what's to become of you.

    Soon, holy water just becomes part of your beauty routine.

    You accept that you'll have to lie in bed alert with the lights on forever.

    And eventually arrive at a point where you barely notice your interesting houseguests anymore.

    Because really, you know that you're not so different from them anyway.