21 Crimes Punishable By Death If Twitter Users Were In Charge

    Social media revises the penal code.


    People that overreact and say "best thing ever" and "nothing beats" about a fucking piece of shit deserve to die

    You've been warned.


    people who wake me up by replying to a text I sent 2 hours ago in the middle of the night deserve to die

    Let them have eternal sleep.


    people that spoil tv shows deserve to die in the pit of hell

    Props to this draconian visionary that makes you go to Hell before death.


    If you haven't had 10 beers today you deserve to die

    All children, report to the gallows.


    "you know some people are allergic to chocolate" well they deserve to die. survival of the fittest.

    All dogs, report to the gallows.


    all larries are fat and ugly and deserve to die

    All Larries, report to the guillotine.


    People that get free data and flood our TL's on Instagram deserve to die hey

    Let their blood flow through the streets like a river.


    Not to be mean or anything but if you cheat on me you deserve to die. Not to be mean or anything.

    This isn't about cruelty, it's about justice.


    Act like a slut, you deserve to die.

    Authentic sluts, however, shall be spared.


    People who make fake set lists deserve to die a slow painful death


    Execute them before the set, as cautionary tales to would-be fraudsters.


    People who say they love the winter and love it cold deserve to die.

    Burn them alive as tribute to the sun gods.


    If you give these as a Valentine, you deserve to die alone, in a house filled with nothing but these spoons.



    Pple who dislike these guys.... .... .... .... Deserve to die!!!!!!

    Declare your allegiance to...these guys.


    Members of BuzzFeed staff: retreat into hiding immediately.


    I just sent a little rat to its death, and I feel like I deserve to die.

    Report to Room 101, Jon.


    People who favorite tweets to prove a point deserve to die

    (Motive is hard to prove in court, don't worry too much about this one.)


    ppl who attempt to strike up full conversation in the bathroom deserve to die. slowly.

    Love to chit-chat? Hear the "BANG BANG" of the firing squad.


    Everyone that likes 50 Shades deserves to die

    "The Grim Reaper will see you now."


    21. And really, while we're at it...

    Because fair is fair.