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17 People Who Had Some Of The Worst Luck At Work In 2021

I hope these people took some PTO. They need it.

1. This person who didn't realize they were missing their bags until they got to work:

2. This person whose first day at work may also have been their last day:

3. This person who almost swallowed a fly 🤢:

4. This person who realized waaaay too late that they had missed A LOT of calls:

5. This person who parked just a liiiiiitle too far back: 

6. This person who went back to work and then shortly after went to the ER:

7. This person whose boss forgot to give them a memo:

8. This person whose return to the office was quite eventful:

9. This person who was working from home and had to deal with an unwanted roommate: 

10. This person whose first paycheck would NOT be used to treat themself:

11. This person who brought in donuts that ants got to taste before the employees:

12. This person who had a tough task to complete:

13. This person who hopefully doesn't have a job that involved a lot of walking:

14. This person who had to eat salad like it was a finger food:

15. This person who somehow broke the office toilet seat:

16. This person who got locked out of the office:

17. And this person whose secretary brought breakfast with a message:

H/T: r/Wellthatsucks.