15 Tweets About Sex Ed Classes That Deserve Either An "LOL" Or An "SMH"

    "Tonight a man told me that tampons are a form of birth control while explaining that birth control isn’t medically necessary."

    It's not groundbreaking news that sex education classes, ironically, still leave a lot of people preeetttttyyy uneducated about sexual health.

    And, of course, people have some things to say about it that they've shared on the interwebs.

    So here are some hilarious tweets about sex education that either gave me a lil' chuckle or left me just a tad bit concerned:


    Thinking about the girl in my Sex Ed class in 9th grade who was so insistent STD was spelled "esteedee" that she actually came up in front of the class and wrote it on the board and yelled at everyone


    I remember my sex ed teacher told our class to put plastic wrap over the girls clitorous when you eat her out........ https://t.co/fwOSVH6f2y


    we need sex ed in schools because this one time my classmate asked the instructor what would happen if a girl took all her birth control pills at once, would she develop like some super immunity to pregnancy would like when u get the star in super mario.


    sometimes I think about how my public high school health/PE class gave us more time for learning how to play corn hole than sex ed


    I’m 8th grade we had a Sex Ed class and someone asked “Are premature babies made from Pre-cum? “ And I can’t stop thinking about it


    in case you needed any proof that American sex Ed needs to be greatly improved on... tonight a man told me that tampons are a form of birth control while explaining that birth control isn’t medically necessary.... and like where do i even begin


    Sex education has failed us. My son’s 18 year old friend only just discovered he was circumcised during a sex ed class. He’d never seen a diagram showing the difference before this time despite taking sex ed for 8 years!


    it's that time again where I remind everyone in lieu of sex ed in middle school I was forced to sign a real virginity card that doubled as a domino's pizza coupon


    What do you remember most from your first sex ed class? I remember Mrs. DeBlasio, the school secretary, telling us to never believe a guy who said he couldn’t wear condoms because they were too small and then she stretched one over her head like a ski mask as proof.


    I taught a sex ed workshop today and one of the activities consists of students creating responses to condom avoidance lines. In response to “condoms are too expensive”, a student shouted out “my pussy expensive boiiiiii”


    When your mom doesn't sign your sex ed permission form https://t.co/Xzs9igtnJV


    tHrOwbAcK to the time when my very convent school tricked us into thinking it was a sex ed class when it really was a 'dont-have-sex' ed class


    I’ll never forget the time I was in sex Ed class n they had an anonymous question part at the end. My dumbass wrote on a paper “pregnant please help” just to see what would happen. I remember the lady freaking tf out whole class gasping looking around at bellies. i was evil smh


    I remember once in sex ed class in middle school someone asked the doctor why it hurts so much to be kicked in the balls and the doctor said “because it hurts so much to get kicked anywhere on your body???” and...wow


    cultural impact: █    █  █  █  _ sex yeah! sex ed by marina. class