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    25 People Whose Roommates Are So, So, So, So, So, So, So, So, So, So, So, So, So Much Worse Than Any Bad Roommate You've Ever Had

    Someone really threw out dishes instead of washing them.

    1. This person who was looking for a new roommate and would charge less rent for "more attractive" women:

    An ad that consists of a man saying he doesn't need a roommate but wants to live with a woman, and the rent charged will depend on how attractive the woman is

    2. This roommate who used a lot of extra words just to say they were kicking someone out:

    One roommate says "we need to talk about rearranging our living situation" and "I want to help you find a new living space"

    3. This roommate who packed a box with Band-Aids:

    A large moving box is not taped shut, and is instead being barely held together by four small Band-Aids

    4. These roommates who left the trash like this instead of taking it out:

    The trash can is so full that the lid can't close and pieces of trash are close to spilling out

    5. This roommate who put away obviously dirty dishes:

    One roommate says the dishes were dirty, and the other roommate responds "I was doing other things, it was full so I figured it had been run"
    A photo of the dishwasher with a label that clearly says "dirty," and one of the bowls that was put away that is covered in food

    6. This roommate who spent their paycheck too quickly and asked their roommates to get them stuff:

    One person begs their roommate to buy them lemon juice and lemon lime salt, the roommate says they're trying to save money, and the person continues begging

    7. This roommate who considered THIS to be replacing the trash:

    An unfolded trash bag has been laid across the side of the trash can instead of actually being installed

    8. These roommates who did this to the lint trap in just a few days and never cleaned it:

    The lint trap is so full of lint, it looks like there are multiple layers of it and it's falling apart

    9. This roommate who broke the coffee table:

    The living room floor is covered in shattered glass

    10. This former roommate who expected free food and drink when they went back to pick up a bunch of their stuff MONTHS after moving out:

    A person says they're expecting lunch and beer, their former roommate says "are you joking, we're in the middle of a pandemic, I'm not feeding you and giving you beers"

    11. This roommate who bit the house butter and dropped it in the pan every time they cooked:

    Butter with bite marks

    12. This roommate who threw out someone else's food to make room for their own in the fridge:

    A package blueberries and an avocado have been thrown away

    13. This roommate who crashed their roomie's car and refused to pay for it:

    A car with the front bumper smashed up

    14. This person who wanted a roommate who would pay for Netflix:

    A post on social media says they're looking for a new place because their roommate canceled Netflix, someone just tells them to get it, and the poster says that's money spent "for no reason"

    15. This roommate who refused to clean their rice cooker:

    A rice cooker covered with mold

    16. This roommate who dropped chips and seriously didn't clean it up:

    The chair and floor are covered with spilled chips

    17. This roommate who THREW OUT all the dishes to avoid doing them:

    A trash bag filled with dishes

    18. This roommate who kept missing utility payments:

    Screenshot of a text exchange in which someone reminds their roommate they need to pay utilities
    The roommate says they don't have enough to pay for utilities, so the other person asks them to budget better, and the roommate says they're not rich like the other person is
    The other person says they budget and pay their bills first, so the roommate should too instead of buying booze and multiple plants, and the roommate replies their mom needed help with her bills

    19. This roommate who scraped a cast iron pan down to the metal:

    A scraped and ruined cast iron skillet

    20. This roommate who wouldn't use their own towel to wipe makeup off:

    A towel with makeup stains on it

    21. This roommate who thought it would be normal to install a cabinet sideways:

    The roommate has installed a random cabinet that is horizontal instead of vertical and is sandwich between two levels of vertical cabinets

    22. This roommate who was home all day and couldn't find something to do in all that time:

    A sink full of dirty dishes

    23. This roommate who invited someone to move into their shared apartment rent-free and insisted she be given their parking space:

    A person asks that their parking spot remain shared, and the roommate says it's a security concern for his girlfriend so she should get the spot
    The person says they're a tenant of the apartment and the girlfriend isn't, so she shouldn't get their spot, and the roommate says "you've exposed yourself as the little privileged bitch you are"

    24. This person who was mad their roommate didn't get name-brand trash bags:

    A screenshot of a Reddit post where someone says they're angry because they've always bought name-brand trash bags and their roommate just bought store brand

    25. And lastly, this roommate who put these "leftovers" in the fridge:

    It's a dirty plate with some small chunks of food in the fridge