31 People Who Didn't Expect Their Clumsiness To Result In Such A Grave Mistake

    I need to know how a trampoline ended up stuck in a tree.

    1. The driver of this moving van who backed up too far:

    A moving truck backed up into a house

    2. This person whose art was turned into a mess:

    3. This person who damaged their fryer and floors in one go:

    4. This toddler who accidentally undid a whole day of their parent's cleaning:

    5. This person who lost their lunch:

    6. This person whose first day of work might've been their last:

    7. This person who lost two valuable things in one day:

    8. This person who accidentally broke through their walls and made a disturbing discovery:

    9. This person who made a sinkhole (pun intended) at home:

    10. This person who bought milk that immediately went to waste:

    11. This person whose bathroom at least didn't smell like literal crap for a while:

    12. These people who spilled gallons of cement on a staircase:

    13. These people who had fun on their neighbor's trampoline for a party:

    14. This person who squashed their car like a bug:

    15. This person who might've lost their job after this incident:

    16. This person who was trying to do makeup on the go:

    17. This person who fumbled their key while above a vent:

    18. These people who made this MASSIVE mess:

    19. This person who crashed their car while they were transporting a COFFIN:

    20. This person who dropped their medicine:

    21. This person who didn't know their own strength:

    22. This person who probably ended up working late:

    23. This person who saw a roach and overreacted just a bit:

    24. This person who cleaned the kitchen only to make another mess in it:

    25. This person who hastily tore open the package for a new computer mouse:

    26. This person who parked inside the store:

    27. This person who should not try out for a soccer team anytime soon:

    28. This person who woke up and thought up was down:

    29. This person who lost dinner and gained dirty laundry:

    30. This person who tripped and did more damage to the wall than their own body:

    31. And lastly, this person who hopefully had really good insurance that would cover the cost of another injection:

    H/T: r/Wellthatsucks