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I Can't Stop Laughing At These 54 People And The Hilarious Things They Said Or Did

"My (27F) boyfriend (28M) won’t stop saying he’s 'microdosing pants' whenever he wears shorts."

1. This person who brought an air mattress to the airport:

person sleeping on the mattress in the middle of the waiting area

2. This person who accidentally left money in their clothes before washing them:

i laundered some money today, where do i turn myself in

3. This boyfriend's use of the English language:

My (27F) boyfriend (28M) won’t stop saying he’s “microdosing pants” whenever he wears shorts

— toasty digital (@toastydigital) January 14, 2023
Twitter: @toastydigital

4. This kid who literally did what their parent asked:

cups and plates stacked on top of each to make a tower in the sink

5. This person's epiphany:

Let’s gooooo is the male equivalent of slay

— Chris (@chrisaileo) January 19, 2023
Twitter: @chrisaileo

6. This person who put these Halloween directions:

skeleton with a wig on the pole and another skeleton with fake money

7. This person's, um, visual storytelling:


— Berry🔜TooManyGames (@bloodberry_tart) January 3, 2023
Twitter: @bloodberry_tart

8. This mom who locked her kid's Switch:

little locks on the control buttons

9. This person who pranked their brother by wrapping his birthday gift in cement:

block of cement on the counter

10. This person's very, very real observation:

Y’all when you hit “notify anyway” pic.twitter.com/AtICwCNz1Q

— x ♒︎ (@slightwright) February 21, 2023
Lion Gates Film / Twitter: @slightwright

11. This Arby's employee who wrote this sign a few days after a car drove into the establishment:

car inside the arbys and the sign says, yes we are open please park outside

12. This person's brilliant idea:

i sometimes think ab this tiktok where the girl said „if an influencer gatekeeps her clothes i will comment ‚it‘s shein‘ under her post to force her to correct me“ and it’s still genius

— brenda (@brendahashtag) February 3, 2023
Twitter: @brendahashtag

13. This kid who should consider becoming a comic book artist:

snail yelling and a bomb with a timer next to it

14. This person who shared their job search journey:

I have a phone interview today and someone told me to “just be myself” so I’m not going to answer the call

— Caitlin (@caithuls) December 18, 2019
Twitter: @caithuls

15. This person who wrote this on their dog's collar:

i'm lost as fuck, my human is now ugly crying please call kelly

16. This person who misread a name tag:

At lunch with my team, we get our checks and togo boxes, one of my team members says to the waitress “Thank you lady nasty the food was delicious” she looked at us and said “It’s LaDynasty” I’m in here crying. Why would he think her name was Lady Nasty?

— Jorge Cervantes (@Aliv504) March 23, 2023
Twitter: @Aliv504

17. The person who created this sign for the graphic design department:

graphic design department is written with poor sizing and font

18. This bartender who made some a sippy cup after they spilled their drink:

saran wrap on top of the glass

19. This person's dumb yet hilarious joke:

when my lima bean surgery is a sucesss pic.twitter.com/WEp8PffrJN

— dusk (@CoolDotCom__) May 18, 2022
Nickelodeon / Twitter: @CoolDotCom__

20. This person who gave their child the Nintendo Switch they wanted...kinda:

it looks like a light switch

21. This kid who told her parent that water was running all over her bathroom floor

water bottles in shoes

22. This person's PERFECT clapback:

Here's a knuckle sandwich https://t.co/OBs9VjsAI2 pic.twitter.com/895fmmj0eO

— :-) (@pulchraiaspis) March 23, 2023
Twitter: @pulchraiaspis

23. This person who offered someone a little bag of coke at a music festival:

mini coke bottle inside a little baggie

24. This person's photo caption:

And then there were 4 pic.twitter.com/G1ysAWt4HQ

— Harrison Weinreb (@harriweinreb) March 28, 2023
Twitter: @harriweinreb

25. This person who thought of this pond decoration:

scary mask inside the water

26. This person's confession:


— Barbie (@MoonTaeilPrint) April 3, 2023
Disney / Twitter: @MoonTaeilPrint

27. This person who created a survey for his roommate's hookups and left it outside his door:

A "Post-Coital Survey" hanging on a door, along with a pen
Close-up of the questions, including "How would you describe your satisfaction with this interaction?"
Close-up of "A handy ruler for reference" with up to 4 inches illustrated

28. This person's very honest answer:

World War II Home Front Museum, St. Simons, Georgia pic.twitter.com/D2AsbeeUWt

— Paul Renfro (@pmrenfro) April 7, 2023
Twitter: @pmrenfro

29. This person who made these cards to be passed out at their funeral:

Photo of the dead person giving the finger, along with "Let's keep in touch!" and a Ouija board saying "Goodbye"

30. This person who added a warning sign because they kept hitting their head while walking down the stairs:

Photo of a duck at a flight of stairs

31. This person who called out Barney's cosmetic work:

rhinoplasty, lip filler, cheek implants, chin implant, jaw shave, brow bone reduction, buccal fat removal, botox and eye lift, skin bleaching pic.twitter.com/vfmulNNhh6

— peggy goop 🏳️‍⚧️ (@Malibubarbarian) January 13, 2023
PBS / Twitter: @Malibubarbarian

32. This person who made cards to hand out to interviewers for when they ask, "What is your greatest strength?":

Card with "My ability to anticipate" on it

33. This person who encountered their arch nemesis:

I gasped like I was in a gay slasher movie. pic.twitter.com/Sh2UYYuyLy

— Andrew Farmer (@thatsajellyfish) January 7, 2023
Twitter: @thatsajellyfish

34. This person who blocked someone in a genius way:

needed a break from her pic.twitter.com/aqKXM6Yqdp

— albert (@albert12798) March 28, 2023
Twitter: @albert12798

35. This person who tried to get their kids to clean their bathroom:

A handwritten note from Mom and Dad dated 1/17 and saying the kids have won $50 for finding it, but the number of days that have passed since that date will be subtracted from the prize

The note says, "Congratulations! You've found this note! If you're reading this you've won $50. But, here's the catch. However many days have passed since the date at the top will be subtracted from the pot. Good luck! Love, Mom and Dad."

36. This hilarious insult:

Twitter: @theeonlyta

37. This person who made some surprising art on the coffee they made for a customer:

A dog pooping outlined in the foam of a cup of coffee

38. This person who friend zoned someone:

want to make more gay friends in nyc… pic.twitter.com/ow9s4nx3IM

— m (@_mxher) May 22, 2023
Twitter: @_mxher

39. This person who put a lock on a tire to prevent the vehicle from moving:

A single tire with a lock in a parking space

40. This person who made...oddly shaped brownies for their first day of work:

Four turd-looking brownies with handwritten note: "Holy crap, I'm so excited to work with you all! Thanks for having me!"

The note says, "Holy crap! I'm so excited to work with you all! Thanks for having me!"

41. This person's historical accuracy:

doxxing people in the 1700s was like “guards!!! 👉 he went thataway!”

— madi magdalene  (@hottropica) May 24, 2023
Twitter: @hottropica

42. This person who made a sign so his neighbors would know he was redoing his lawn:

A "New Grass Loading" sign on dry-looking grass with the computer loading bar and "Done" or "Cancel" fields
Close-up of the sign

43. This person who recreated an iconic meme:

“Eric, no!” 🤣🧜🏽‍♀️ pic.twitter.com/cQf3jTtVXu

— Black Girl Nerds (@BlackGirlNerds) May 6, 2023
Twitter: @BlackGirlNerds

44. This person who packed these "dinner for one" sets:

"Dinner for one" with a corn on the cob, a potato, and two Bud Lights

45. This person who greeted a familiar face:

this is bad pic.twitter.com/HhxMopkwie

— stefen🐉 (@stefenrc) May 26, 2023
Twitter: @stefenrc

46. This person who came up with a brilliant Halloween costume:

A ghost costume with "Had a great time tonight," "Me too," "You free on Friday?" and "Hey" bubbles written on it

47. This person's eye-opening revelation:

burgers with eggs and bacon are so funny like ok guess the whole farm’s here

— riri🐀🍕 (@raunchonpizza) February 7, 2023
Twitter: @raunchonpizza

48. This person who took the arm off this mannequin:

A mannequin with one arm wearing a Jaws T-shirt

49. This person with diabetes who labeled the candy in her house for when her blood sugar gets low:

A bag of candy labeled "Mom's meds"

50. This person's take on Cocaine Bear:

cocaine bear but it takes 2 melatonin gummies instead pic.twitter.com/S52Gw8A1f0

— 🅱️en (@NoCloutBen) March 14, 2023
Celestial Seasonings / Twitter: @NoCloutBen

51. This person who added a sign to their broken fence to scare off robbers (when, in reality, a tree had fallen on the fence):

A broken fence with the bars bent, with "Beware of 'dog'" on it
Close-up of the sign

52. These concertgoers who had a hilarious couples outfit:

Tall guy with back of T-shirt saying "Hi, I'm Bob and I'll be the Token Tall Guy blocking your view today, thanks for your cooperation," and the woman with "Fuck you Bob" on the back of her shirt
Close-up of the guy's T-shirt

53. This person who built an outside urinal — I guess because the trip to the house bathroom was too far:

A urinal attached to the side of a house

54. And this person who put up this sign on April Fools' Day:

"Blockbuster coming soon" sign on scaffolding