18 People Who Have, Simply Put, Been Going Through It Lately

    At this point, I've seen Roombas cause more harm than good.

    1. This person who bought a new door without measuring first:

    A door that doesn't fit in the frame

    2. This person whose car caught fire out of nowhere while on the highway:

    A car on fire
    A burned-up car

    3. This person who blew on a candle very hard which got candlewax all over their computer screen:

    Candle wax on a computer

    4. This person whose dog got trapped in the laundry room, pooped on the floor, and walked around in it:

    Poop all over the floor

    5. This person who tested positive for COVID the day they were supposed to leave for vacation:

    A positive COVID test

    6. This person who forgot their sister's car didn't have brakes:

    A car crashed into a fence

    7. This person whose dog ate their dinner after the DoorDasher left their food on the fence:

    A dog eating takeout

    8. This person who opened their package of hot sauces to find they couldn't use them:

    Sauce spilled all over a package

    9. This person who had a leak in their apartment that filled up a bucket every 15 minutes:

    A bucket catching water

    10. This person whose dog decided to have fun riding around on the robot vacuum while making a mess:

    Poop on the floor

    11. This person who sat on a public toilet, and then it broke:

    A broken toilet

    12. This person who forgot to put on sunscreen while kayaking:

    A person with bad sunburn on their legs

    13. This person who left a can of wasp spray on their dashboard, which then exploded:

    Broken windows and windshield on a car

    14. This person who had a tree fall into their pool...again:

    A tree in a pool

    15. This person who opened their microwaveable dinner and found that the chicken was missing:

    A microwavable meal missing chicken

    16. This person who had parts of their roof stolen:

    A roof that's missing pieces

    17. This person whose car key broke, which made it impossible to drive:

    A broken car key

    18. And lastly, this person who whose vehicle someway, somehow ended up like this:

    a forklift in mud