15 People Who Have Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Worse Luck Than You

    Roombas seem to cause more trouble than they do good.

    1. This person who purchased a new car after 10 years and then this happened:

    A car is partially covered by a large fallen tree branch, surrounded by snow. No persons are in the image

    2. This people who learned their washable pillows were, in fact, not washable:

    Washing machine overflows with detergent suds and spilled laundry beads, person holds the dispenser, cleaning tools nearby

    3. This person who found an intruder in their home:

    A skunk is on a carpeted floor near a chair and a red object to the side

    4. This person who wanted to take a bath at the hotel after a hard day:

    A bathtub filled with water, showing an attached showerhead to the right

    5. This person who found a cooler on the highway:

    A damaged car with its front bumper fallen off, and debris on the ground beside it

    6. This person whose plant pot was destroyed by their roaming Roomba:

    Roomba vacuum collided with a potted plant, scattering soil and leaves on a rug and wood floor

    7. This person who let their pants touch the floor in a bathroom stall:

    A person's foot wearing a brown sandal on a speckled floor, with a dark spot on their clothing

    8. This person who found this in the hood of their car:

    Bird's nest with eggs sits atop a car engine compartment, indicating surprising wildlife nesting in a vehicle

    9. This person who wore pants that were too light to conceal their nerves during a job interview:

    Person in a mirror selfie, wearing a t-shirt and cargo pants, smartphone in hand, indoors

    10. This person who didn't see this still-wet bird poop and touched it when they closed their car door:

    Bird droppings on the side door of a car

    11. This person who woke up to find their car headlight gone:

    A red car with its front left headlight missing, exposing internal components

    12. This person who went to their attic, tripped, and fell through the ceiling:

    Ceiling collapse in kitchen with debris on counters and floor, exposed beams and wires visible

    13. This person who stepped on their glasses and couldn't afford new ones:

    Hand holding a pair of glasses with one lens missing

    14. This person who accidentally dropped and broke a bowl over the food they'd been cooking for hours:

    A kitchen counter with ingredients and cookware; a pan of cooked chicken and another with shredded cabbage

    15. And lastly, this person who lost a huge diamond ring in a rental car:

    Lost and Found log with entries for date, customer name, rental agreement, and description of a large diamond with silver rings