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Former Inmates, Tell Us What You Want People To Know About Sex And Relationships In Prison

Tell us whatever you want.

There are a lot of misconceptions and stereotypes about how sex and relationships work in prison and what they're like. If you're a former inmate, what do you want people to know?

For example, you may want to clear up some misunderstandings about how people find sex in prison or where people have sex.

You may have stories about how you entered a romantic relationship in prison and how it worked if you continued dating once one of you was released.

Maybe you noticed that many straight people in your prison engaged in same-sex relationships or intercourse just to get their emotional and sexual needs met during their time there.

Or maybe you had a partner on the outside and you have stories about how you worked to stay* together during your time in prison.

Tell us whatever stories or things you want people to know about sex and relationships in prison. Use the comments below (or this Google Form, if you want to be anonymous) to share your stories. You could be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.