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Food Service Workers, What's The Most Disgusting Thing You've Seen In The Kitchen?

I'm prepared to lose my appetite.

I'm sure a number of gross things happen behind the scenes in food establishments that customers don't know about or could never even begin to imagine.

For example, maybe you were a server at a restaurant and one time saw another server sneeze in someone's food before bringing it to the table because their customer was incredibly rude.

Or maybe you worked at a popular fast-food establishment and the ice cream machine was down because a dead mouse was found stuck in it.

Or perhaps a little blood got on some vegetables because someone cut themselves while chopping them and instead of throwing out the food, they just rinsed it and cooked it anyway.

A man chopping onions

If you've ever worked in any food service job, tell us the grossest thing you've seen happen behind the scenes (or use this Google Form if you want to be anonymous.) You could be featured in a BuzzFeed post or video.