18 Things People Learned About Sex From Porn That Turned Out To Be 100% False

    "Doing it in the shower is NEVER a good idea."

    We all know that porn isn't known for being incredibly realistic.

    So when Reddit user u/Deadlock_F3 asked "What is one thing that porn taught you about sex that turned out to not be true at all?" people had a lot to say. Here are the biggest inaccuracies people learned from porn:

    1. "That a female orgasm means she'll squirt. I was 21 before I found out otherwise."


    2. "That all positions are fun. In reality, not all are possible for my body type, length of penis, and flexibility."


    3. "That all sex starts with a blowjob. When I was younger, I seriously thought this because of porn. So when I lost my virginity, I asked her, 'Aren't you going to give me a BJ first?' Imagine my shock when she responded 'I don't do that.'"


    4. "That spontaneous anal sex is fun and clean. In real life, you most certainly need a lot of prep ahead of time so it's enjoyable and clean. You also need lots of lube."


    5. "That not using protection is safe as long as it's not vaginal sex."


    6. "That all guys were supposed to have huge 6–9-inch-long penises. It made me always think that mine was really small."


    7. "That it's okay to immediately go from anal penetration to vaginal penetration without cleaning the penetrating body part. I was getting my ass fingered and then he immediately put the same finger in my vagina. A few days later, I got a yeast infection. Yet porn has women doing anal to vaginal all the time."


    8. "That spit is enough lube for anal."


    9. "That scissoring is a thing real-life lesbians do regularly."


    10. "That going super fast when fingering or rubbing the clit feels good. For me, it feels better when it’s slow."


    11. "That shower sex is practical. In reality, the positions don't work, the water dries up lube, and you will probably fall several times."


    12. "That women love when you change positions every 30 seconds."


    13. "That women moan like dying animals."


    14. "That women don’t need lube."


    15. "That penetration is all you need for your partner to feel pleasure. When I came to realize that is not true at all, most of my male and female friends soon told me that foreplay and the private parts have to be stimulated in order to make it more joyful and satisfying."


    16. "That the only way to masturbate is by rubbing your cooch super fast with a flat hand."


    17. "That one hour of straight sex is fucking impossible. After 20 minutes, my wife and I mostly just want to die by the freezer."


    18. And "That sex on a beach is fun. The truth is that your partner ends up with sand in her vagina and you feel your dick is shredding."


    Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.