There's No Way You Can Read These 43 Twitter Jokes From This March So Far And Not Bust Out Laughing

    "Boy, I just ordered a round of shots for the first time in my life and IDK what I'mma eat for the next week."

    It's unbelievable that it's already been TWO full years since WHO declared the coronavirus as a global pandemic. And two years later...we're still in a pandemic, so any time is a good time for a laugh these days. As per usual, there have already been a load of *chef's kiss* tweets this month, so take a look and have a laugh:

    And follow the accounts that made you laugh so your Twitter timeline will be even better!


    Dating someone who barely likes you is literal torture so from now on i need someone thats gon fall to their knees in the middle of Whole Foods when they think of me

    Twitter: @glizzywaterr


    mfs get a macbook and never use the word “laptop” again

    Twitter: @luvmoga


    Twitter: @kellynotbrecht


    Twitter: @PXPIBONES


    When gas was $1.65 I used to drive around to “clear my mind” .. now!? These thoughts living with me.

    Twitter: @dianenotdiana


    you can’t just abbreviate phrases all william nilliam

    Twitter: @PleaseBeGneiss


    Twitter: @charliektcobalt


    Called my landlord bc I smelled gas and he came over and turned my stovetop burner off

    Twitter: @fibulaa


    I knew nyc was for me the first time i jaywalked & the car coming toward me accelerated hard

    Twitter: @brian_bahe


    you’re in his dms, i’m inside his walls making cicada noises until he slowly goes insane

    Twitter: @_xoxogothicgirl


    your parents house have everything you need except peace.

    Twitter: @feelxhurtt


    how was this posed to help wit the suds

    Twitter: @nahimdifferent


    [me on a date with edward scissorhands] what the fuck is wrong with you

    Twitter: @kellyccooper


    sometimes someone is like “I’m a people pleaser 🥺” and it’s like ok the people around you do NOT seem pleased

    Twitter: @lenaruthsolow


    self undiagnosing cuz i don’t think i wanna be like y’all anymore

    Twitter: @chribbzz


    [Male manipulator in the year 15,000 BCE] Honestly I think gathering is even more impressive than hunting in some ways

    Twitter: @RockingRoll777


    My favourite kid I ever taught when I was a swim teacher was this little 4-year-old Italian boy. One time he sneezed and nobody said anything so he just went “what? No bless yous for Giacomo?”

    Twitter: @CheeseCakePCK


    rejected my coworker and he put his two weeks in…🧍🏻‍♀️

    Twitter: @dyxnniskis


    who decided to “spring forward” at 2 a.m. on the weekend. we should do it at 4 p.m. on a monday

    Twitter: @Holy_Mowgli


    drinking water in front of my plants so they remember who the breadwinner is

    Twitter: @farahmynaf


    y’all be emo with a THICK country accent. like calm down hillbilly eilish

    Twitter: @QuanAmazon


    the person who invented bodysuits saw a shirt and thought 'let me buckle this around my pussy'

    Twitter: @ameliaelizalde


    I have my therapist HOOKED. Time was up and he said he really wanted to hear more 😂😭😭

    Twitter: @LukeElliottS


    told the guy in the apple store i use a 2012 macbook pro and he said "more like a fatbook slow" and did a click and point thing

    Twitter: @aya_yco


    someone described my girlfriend’s skin as “sun-kissed” recently and now the sun’s about to catch these hands

    Twitter: @Ke7inBurke


    For the first time in my nyc career, a rat tried to climb up my leg. I appreciate thoughts, prayers and privacy during this time of self evaluation and grief. Thank you.

    Twitter: @Polokenny


    i love when pets lie down & cross their little paws, like oh i didn’t realize you were so classy

    Twitter: @smithsara79


    Just filled up my tank and I’ve actually decided to put my car in neutral, open the door and use my feet like the flinstones

    Twitter: @notdanilu


    parents love texting "call me as soon as you can." then being like "i just wanted to know if you'd seen westworld"

    Twitter: @LukeMones


    man we both high af 😭😭😭

    Twitter: @ihyomeo


    it sounds so smart to say “i annotate my books” then the annotations are all “OMG” “SLAYY” “yes” “NOooooOo” “🥵” “HAHAHAHA” “whAt?” “<3” “ngl fr fr”

    Twitter: @chateaublooms


    Twitter: @Billaric


    Just saw someone say they got the ick from the way their bfs body flailed around when they got in a car crash

    Twitter: @beerdefeater


    Fucked to Shrek 2 last night. you WISH you were me

    Twitter: @AHHHnnaliese


    My TAX RETURN so SMALL the H&R BLOCK lady just pulled the MONEY out HER PURSE☹️😩😩

    Twitter: @CoacHCouture


    at mcdonald's ordering the little fucking freak meal

    Twitter: @wnbagirlfriend


    “you were searched 43 times on Linkedin this week” ok so where’s my job

    Twitter: @sahana_srini


    Boy I just ordered a round of shots for da first time in my life an idk what ima eat for da next week

    Twitter: @Way3Wireless


    Came to my parents house, seen they was cleaning the garage out, i kept driving. I aint sign up for that today lol

    Twitter: @MonteSmiff


    I asked the produce guy if I could try a grape and he said he wouldn’t care if I lit the store on fire with him in it

    Twitter: @clichedout


    Lord this job I prayed and begged you for, I’m bout to quit it.

    Twitter: @deardondre


    electricity went out and i had a small meltdown at work today

    Twitter: @pragdua


    I’ve got to think of a way to get off this planet by tomorrow

    Twitter: @KimberleeyKaay