Everything You Need To Know About This Muslim Lifestyle Festival That Is Happening

    Like Glastonbury. Without the booze.

    Over 3,000 people from across the UK are gathering together this weekend at the Living Islam Festival, or Life.

    The four-day family festival, which takes place between 28-31 July, is held once every two years. This year's venue is the Lincolnshire Showground, in the East Midlands.

    The site had been transformed with thousands of tents and caravans, but also indoor shopping bazaars, prayer spaces, and marquees for talks and live performances.

    The festival is organised by the Islamic Society of Britain (ISB), which is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year.

    Event organisers describe the Muslim lifestyle festival as "the Muslim equivalent of the Hay on Wye Festival, Glastonbury, and Party in the Park, all rolled into one".

    There will be live performances from Muslim artists such as Harris J, who has been described as the Muslim Justin Bieber, and Pearls Of Islam, a rap and poetry duo.

    There will also be Living Islam’s Rising Stars' Talent Show, which is on the search for a new star.

    There's also an arts and culture marquee – a new addition to the festival – offering geometric and mosaic workshops, storytelling, and music by traditional artists.

    And ALL the food.

    The on-site Living Islam Festival Bazaar has 50 vendors – selling everything from scarves, medjool dates, to Arabic calligraphy art.

    But a huge part of the festival are the talks and seminars by leading scholars on Islam as well as public figures.

    The topics of discussions are far-ranging, from love and relationships to faith, politics, and spirituality

    There's also a "marriage introduction" service at the festival – which is kind of like halal speed-dating.

    Festival-goers can also try out lots of sporting activities, including football, dodgeball, and kickboxing.

    Another key part of the festival is the Young Muslims (YM) programme for teenagers.

    Finally, the festival will also host a the Celebrating Excellence award ceremony to acknowledge the achievements of British Muslims in various fields.