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    8 Signs You're Addicted To Dieting

    Because a New Year means a new you, and you'll try anything to get it...

    1. You've given Low Carb a shot, until you became so overwhelmed you no longer know what a carb actually is

    2. You tried fasting a few days a week, cause hey, it works for those kids in Africa

    3. You tried the master cleanse after Beyonce did it

    4. Paleo was great in theory, because who can get tired of bacon?

    5. You thought the Cookie Diet sounded way more awesome than it actually was

    6. You thought you could have Jennifer Aniston's body if you tried the Baby Food Diet, but you should have learned your lesson from trying to be Beyonce.

    7. According to the internet, everything is making us fat and cancerous. Time to go Raw!

    8. You start to despair that you'll never find a plan to help you shed those unwanted pounds...