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12 Things You Learn Within One Hour Of Being In London

As soon as you land, you’ll be learning new things nonstop. Might as well get the basics down now. Like, for starters, that Air Canada offers the most daily nonstop flights there!

1. Street signs are impossible to find.

2. Speaking of the streets, cars don't yield to pedestrians...ever.

3. The public transit blows other cities’ systems out of the water.

4. And there's very little talking during commutes.

5. If you're going to take a cab, make sure it's a licensed black cab.

6. There are about a zillion streets, places, and monuments named after royalty.

7. People will constantly ask, "You alright?"

8. They tend to drink their dinner rather than eat it.

9. You'll overhear a mix of many accents and languages everywhere you go.

10. It does rain a lot.

11. That said, you can't walk more than a few blocks without stumbling into some sort of green space.

12. And finally, you'll learn that one hour is not nearly enough.

Ready to go? Air Canada can get you there with the most nonstop flight options daily.