7 Small Changes To Make Your Week Better

    Put some pep in your step.

    1. If you have 3 minutes: Delete Instagram from your phone.

    2. If you have 5 minutes: Find a quote that resonates with you.

    3. If you have 10 minutes: Try out "Flowy Beta".

    4. If you have 15 minutes: Read about how someone else got through a stressful time.

    5. If you have 20 minutes: Designate a time to do your least favourite task.

    6. If you have 30 minutes: Set yourself a timed goal.

    7. If you have 30 seconds: Read this tweet.

    Why does this dog look like he's giving an eyewitness account on the 6 o'clock news


    This is a weekly series. Have a self-care tip you think I should include? Let me know in the comments, or tweet me!