7 Self-Care Tips To Make Your Week Better

    Self-care is the best care.

    1. If you have 3 minutes: Learn how to give a quick massage.

    2. If you have 5 minutes: Write a nice email.

    3. If you have 10 minutes: Think of the good you're going to do today.

    4. If you have 15 minutes: Do some easy yoga poses.

    5. If you have 20 minutes: Find something that makes you snort with laughter.

    6. If you have 30 minutes: Try a guided meditation.

    View this video on YouTube


    This tip comes from commenter Nina Seale. She writes: "Listen to Andrew Johnson's Relax apps. He has the best voice ever! Will totally chill out anyone with anxiety." Find out more here, or click on the YouTube link for a video version.

    7. If you have 30 seconds: Read this tweet.

    I put this donut pillow on my dog 20 minutes ago and he loves it and won't let me take it off

    This is a weekly series. Have a self-care tip that you think should be in next week’s post? Let me know in the comments or tweet me!