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    11 Times The World Was Against You Finishing Your Dissertation

    I swear to god I spent more time fighting the world than actually writing my thesis...

    1. When a library book you've requested is overdue

    2. When your favourite cafe is unexpectedly closed, and you can't work without your coffee

    3. When your friends come to you with their deep existential crises

    4. When you're writing about a specialised topic, and Word cannot deal with so many unrecognised words

    5. When a friend/colleague/acquaintance/random on the bus insists on sharing the random fact they know about your topic

    6. When the requirements for your dissertation get changed unexpectedly

    7. When some swanky professor gives a talk that you have to attend, and you realise they're actually speaking crap, and you actually know better than them

    8. When you discover a perfect source... Only to find that your University can't access it, or it can only be viewed in person on the other side of the world

    9. When your supervisor keep cancelling and rescheduling your meetings, and then wonders why you can't keep up

    10. When people feel they need to point out your limited career prospects

    11. When someone has finished their dissertation early, and they keep telling you how easy it was

    At least you know that it'll all be worth it, and you'll eventually have a dissertation you're proud of. As long as the world doesn't annoy you any more...