There's An Upcoming Game Where You Catch Pokémon IRL

    "Hold on, a Blastoise is flooding my basement and I gotta catch 'em all."

    Kiss precious adulthood goodbye because Nintendo heard your pleas to make Pokémon real and revealed an Augmented Reality mobile game yesterday, Pokémon Go.

    View this video on YouTube / Via

    The trailer doesn't show much real gameplay, but it gives you a sense of the concept - you'll see and catch Pokémon using your phone and accessories in real world locations.

    See a Pikachu on your morning commute? Explain to your boss you were five minutes late because GOTTA CATCH 'EM ALL.

    You can battle other trainers as well.

    Show those rowdy boys who's the Giovanni of your neighborhood.

    There’s even a scene where Mewtwo pops up in TIMES FRICKIN’ SQUARE and Manhattan teams up to take him down.


    The trailer ends with just a hint of gameplay footage.

    Needless to say, people are hype.

    If i'm in a meeting and a wild Charizard appears on my Pokemon Go behind my boss. Metrics on hold, it's getting caught.

    I mean, basically the social structure of the entire world will break down.

    Me: Mom I'm leaving home Mom: Why? Me: To become the very best. Mom: ლ(ಠ_ಠლ) Me: ヽ(^O^)ノ Mom: No. Me: ( ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ _ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ ) #PokemonGo

    There will definitely be some complications...

    Y'all hyped about the new Pokemon game til you see a Gyarados in your sink

    ...but it'll be worth it.

    #PokemonGO is coming and it uses real world GPS locations to catch Pokemons. I can't wait to catch a Charizard while being hit by a Honda.

    There are still so many questions though.

    But will pokemon go have gym leaders tho. will I have to go to LA fitness and challenge the manager