17 Glitches So WTF They'll Make You Laugh Uncontrollably

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    1. This time a soccer player saw the end times.

    2. This fate worse than death.

    3. This death-defying maneuver.

    4. That time the NFL hired the tiniest, most courageous linebacker of all time.

    See more here.

    5. This time horses took over the world.

    6. This time a horse punished its master.

    7. This time a sick trick was so sick, it became a little vom.

    8. This time a soldier broke his back and raised the roof. AT THE SAME TIME.

    9. This time a soccer game became a make-out sesh.

    10. This time a dudes head decided to just float there, creepily.

    11. This completely horrifying and violent glitch sequence.

    12. This absolute horror.

    13. The most painful thumbs-up ever.

    14. This time a Sim looked in the mirror and everything was wrong.

    15. This time man and barrel became one.

    16. This time an average everyday nap became a nightmare.

    17. And this time the Rock heard someone fart.

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