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    Men, make way. We ladies have the power to make consumer choices that can help the world lead a greener and healthier life. There are six ways it can be done!

    We Have the Power

    1. Buy Only What You Need

    2. Make It!

    3. Go Fresh

    4. #4 Read the Labels (on anything!)

    5. Go Vegetarian....

    6. Go Toxic Free

    I was going to say "chemical-free", but then everything is a chemical - salt, sugar, even the water we drink. And if we drink too much water we can get water poisoning. So, lets get rid of the toxins. I've successfully done that with some of my cleaning agents, my laundry and most of my toiletries.

    Again, the best resource is Environmental Working Group.

    What tips do you have to make your household greener and healthier?

    Do you think women can influence the consumer economy?