17 Things Every Rural Person Who Moved To A Big City Has Probably Experienced

    What do you mean the next bus is in 10 minutes?

    1. Realising how little your friends back home are paying in rent and feeling more than a bit jealous.

    2. Hearing people complain about a two-minute bus delay and fighting the urge to go into a "You don't know how good you have it!" rant.

    3. Picking up the accent in 0.2 seconds, much to the disdain of your family and friends back home.

    4. Suddenly finding that a lot of people want to stay with you.

    5. Basking in the sheer range of clothes and shoes you can get now. Um, a clothing store with its own escalator? Incredible.

    6. Speaking of which, buying groceries in the city is completely different from getting them back home (turns out, stockpiling food as if there's a disaster coming isn't all that necessary here).

    7. The weird but kind of freeing feeling of nobody having a clue who you are for the first time ever.

    8. Explaining where your hometown is in relation to the nearest big city (or county. Or country).

    9. Never *quite* being sure what to wear.

    10. Never truly understanding the correct etiquette on public transport.

    11. And while we're on the topic, it's slightly weird realising that you probably don't need a car in your new home because everything is either a short walk or a bus ride away.

    12. Suddenly having a whole range of places to hang out in instead of always going to that one spot.

    small town culture is having zero places to hang out so u end up chilling with ur friends at fucking walmart

    13. Occasionally acting like you're in a movie set because in a lot of ways, you kind of are.

    14. Being judged for completely different reasons than those you're used to.

    small town culture is associating an entire car make and model with the people you know who drive that type of car

    Going out in a full neon catsuit? Nobody cares here! Not waiting for everyone to leave the tube before you get in the carriage, though? Yeah, that'll get you some death stares.

    15. Realising that actually, people in the city can be just as friendly as everyone back home.

    16. Being homesick from time to time and wishing you could go back...

    17. But loving your new home, too!