"Don't F*ck With Platypuses" —15 "Cute" Animals That Can Seriously Hurt Or Even Kill You

    "You hear the stories about dolphins that rescue people swept out to see, but you never hear about the ones that dolphins pushed out to sea..."

    In a recent post shared to r/AskReddit, a site user said "What's a deadly animal most people think are docile?" Here are some of the most-upvoted responses:

    Author's note: not all of these are actually deadly, and just because an animal can kill or harm you doesn't mean it's likely to do it unprovoked. Still, it's interesting to see just how powerful and defensive these "cute" animals can be! 

    1. "Bison. People have been hurt or killed in Yellowstone Park because they think the bison are slow and dumb and you can take selfies with them."

    Close-up of a bison with thick fur looking at the camera

    2. "Hogs will eat you the first chance they get."

    Two pigs in a pen, one close to the camera with a prominent snout

    3. "Pretty much any large domestic animal: cattle, sheep, horses, pigs, etc. We’ve bred them to be much more docile than their wild counterparts, and they are. But they are all more than capable of doing lethal harm to a human being under the right circumstances."

    Split image of a horse on the left and a cow on the right, both facing forward

    4. "Moose."

    A moose standing in a field with shrubs

    5. "Dolphins."

    Dolphin leaping out of the ocean waters

    6. "Platypuses. They appear harmless but actually have venomous spurs on their hind legs that hurt so bad, they'll make you regret existing. They can even cause paralysis in some cases."

    Platypus being cradled in a towel by a person wearing a green jacket

    7. "Otters. They're cute, yes, but they're vicious as well. Look up what frustrated males do to otter pups, then come back and tell me they're docile."

    Sea otter floating on its back in water, looking at the camera with paws near its chest

    8. "Swans. They're basically geese that have glammed up."

    Two swans forming a heart shape with their necks on water

    9. "Raccoons. People think they’re like house cats, but they will tear you up and infect you with rabies."

    Raccoon peeking out from behind a tree trunk in a natural setting

    10. "I mean the average house cat can really mess up a person if it wants to. Those claws and teeth can be vicious and really fucking hurt. They can put you in a hospital."

    A close-up of a domestic cat looking directly at the camera

    11. "Reindeer. They cause road accidents."

    Close-up of a deer with antlers facing the camera with its tongue out

    12. "Hippos. They kill more people in Africa than any other wild animal."

    Hippo partially submerged in water surrounded by green vegetation

    13. "Chimpanzees."

    Young chimpanzee being held, looking at the camera

    14. "Geese = cobra chickens. Geese are evil."

    Two geese close-up with one in the foreground looking directly at the camera

    15. "Mountain goats."

    Adult and baby mountain goat resting on rocky terrain

    Shout out to the members of r/AskReddit for having this discussion.

    Can you think of any other examples? Let us know in the comments below!