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11 Real Life Moments That You Wish You Could Press Pause On

It can be hard to appreciate the little things as they happen. Aetna believes if you remember to #takeamoment it can help you appreciate those memorable minutes.

1. The moment after everything is cleaned up from dinner and you have time to sit with your partner and talk.

2. A walk to school with your kids on a perfect fall day.

3. The satisfying glow you feel after completing a big work task that you’re passionate about.

4. Watching your children play well together, enveloped in their own little world.

5. Taking in natural beauty during a quiet moment on vacation.

6. The part of a long drive when the kids are asleep peacefully in the backseat and your heart overflows when you look at them.

7. When generations of your family come together and you notice the subtle ways your children resemble their relatives.

8. A dinner with good friends that reminds you why these people are so important to you.

9. When, during difficult times, you are able to comfort your children and watch their worldview expand.

10. A moment of laughter with the friend who understands you better than anyone else.

11. Watching your child start to excel — seeing them perform in a play or score a big goal — and starting to understand more about who they will become.

Animation by Son Tuyen Huynh / © BuzzFeed.Com

Mindfulness can help you reduce stress so you can fully be present for the things that truly matter. Aetna encourages you to #takeamoment and experience how being in the present can benefit you — learn more:

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