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    10 Questions Every Unemployed Graduate Hates Being Asked

    Yet everytime you are at a family event or with friends, people just can't help themselves. Going out starts to become more like a police interrogation.

    1. How is the job hunt going?

    2. Have you had a lot of interviews?

    3. What do you do all day?

    4. Since your home, would you mind doing some jobs for me? I'll pay you!

    5. My friend works for a great company and could help you, do you want her email?

    6. And then comes the follow up... Have you heard from my friend?

    7. Where have you been looking for these jobs?

    8. Why don't you do some traveling right now while you have the time?

    9. Have you ever though of.....?

    10. Finally, the always dreaded question, How long has it been since you graduated?

    These questions consume you're life, whether it's when your talking to someone over the phone, over email or in person, they simply can't help themselves. Just remember once you do get a job you can now deflect all the questions away from you and put them on someone else, possibly a cousin who got a tattoo without telling anyone, or a friend who cheated on her boyfriend.