

what to say? well i was homeschooled for one thing, and i loved it. now i'm a student at BYU. i'm usually pretty quiet, but i can get riled up about stuff and can sometimes get crazy hyper. i usually like to just sit back and take life as it comes. i'm a very laid back person, and people have told me that i am relaxing to be around because i don't have to fill every second with chatter. i am pretty accepting of people as they are -- they don't have to like a certain kind of music, or dress a certain way to be my friend. I love to play music, whether it's celtic, new age, (sorry, i only play classical when forced), and of course rock/metal. i play piano, acoustic and electric guitar. my band is called Last One Standing, and i play lead guitar. we are working on writing our own songs, but so far have only performed covers. if we could just get some songs FINISHED they would be great. i love to go to rock concerts -- those are some of the times my more wild side always shows through. (i met flyleaf!!!!!) :D i love to draw, mostly cartooning because shading stuff takes forever. i'm not a super athletic type person, but i have played a lot of softball, and took tae kwon do for several years. i have very conservative political views, because conservatism is the only thing that works. just look through history. and obama is making one mistake after another, which is why his popularity is going down.... Anyway....i guess that's about it. btw....the earth's temperature is falling.

Nov 2010
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