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    19 Awesome Products From Amazon To Put On Your Wishlist

    A Conair curler, a unique whiskey decanter, face cream, and 16 other things you’ll want to add to your wish list ASAP.

    Psst! Amazon has a section featuring products that people put on their wish lists and registries most often.

    Here are some of the coolest and most useful products from that section this week:

    1. A Conair curler that'll do the work for you so all you have to do is sit back and get beautified.

    2. A pair of ombre leggings for hitting the gym in style. Look good, feel good!

    3. A cat bag purrrrty enough to wear with any outfit.

    4. A pair of Kate Spade New York earrings for adding a bit of sparkle to your life!

    5. A tufted recliner you may never want to get up from because it's the perfect TV bingeing chair.

    6. A pair of bookends that'll lend you a hand in holding up your books.

    7. A stylish sweater dress — it would make the perfect addition to your winter wardrobe.

    8. A set of 24 reusable silicone baking molds to make baked goods even more fun. Who knew that was possible!

    9. A fox doormat so cute you won't want to step on it.

    10. A globe whiskey decanter perfect for anyone who believes that whiskey makes the world go 'round.

    11. A touch screen LED makeup mirror that'll be the answer to all your bad lighting woes.

    12. A pet tent almost as cute as your pet!

    13. A colorful wall tapestry to help achieve a boho chic vibe in your bedroom.

    14. A pair of waterproof snow boots you can wear without worrying about cold (or wet) feet.

    15. A set of four Snap Capp re-closable can lids that'll save your drinks from going flat or spilling and making a mess.

    16. A jar of natural deodorant for an all-natural vegan way to battle body odor.

    17. A set of four Harry Potter quote prints to help you remember all the most important lessons the great Dumbledore taught you.

    18. A DIY cross-stitch ornament kit so you and your family can create festive keepsakes.

    19. A bottle of face cream packed with retinol that'll reduce fine lines and wrinkles, fade sun damage, and even out your skin tone.

    To see everything else people are wishing for on Amazon, click here.

    To see what people were wishing for last week, click here.

    Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.

    Do your holiday shopping with BuzzFeed. Check out all of our gift guides here!