16 Facts You'll Only Understand If You've Been Hungover At Work

    Your smell... it's unmistakable.

    1. Okay, so, you're already late.

    2. Assuming you can drag yourself out of bed in the first place.

    3. You arrive looking like death.

    4. And most likely wearing the same clothes you were wearing the day before.

    5. And even if you managed to take a shower, there's no escaping that hangover smell.

    6. And there's absolutely nothing worse than hangover breath.

    7. You feel like you need to go to the bathroom every 5 minutes.

    8. You spend all day going over everything you can remember from the night before to make sure you didn't do anything too embarrassing.

    Veryyyyy ready to get Xtina drunk @ the holiday party 2night

    But judging from the looks you're getting, you know you must have done something.

    9. You're so hungry, but the thought of food makes you want to die.

    10. Everyone has a joke to make about it.

    11. You can't focus because all you can think about is going home and taking a nap.

    12. You drink enough coffee to give yourself a heart attack.

    13. And there's seemingly no limit to the amount of water you can get down in one day.

    Coming to work with a hangover got me like...

    14. But luckily, there's usually someone else who's in as sorry a state as you are who can sympathize.

    When ur bffs at work hungover af🤮😂😂

    Together, the two of you almost make one functioning adult.

    15. And sometimes, if you're lucky, your boss is hungover too and sends everyone home to recover.

    When you show up to work hung over af & then get sent home 45 minutes later..

    16. But even though you feel like death, you drag yourself to work, because you're a professional.

    You can't be hung over at work if you're still drunk

    And maybe still a little drunk.

    This post was translated from Spanish.