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    Parabéns Meu Mestre!!!

    So, y'all did celebrate Parikshit Sadh aka Cabeça's birthday yesterday but here are some more things that one should know.. Well lets go back to the past a little, just to see who this deadly capoerista was!!

    And so we meet Parikshit

    The young lad who started off killing it in life by deciding to entertain people!

    Yes, he decided to be a stand up comedian..

    Not only that, he knew he had the skills to host events!

    But then came the art of Capoeira in his life..

    So much so, he felt that he had the power to move this

    Or even bring down the sky

    Every time he was happy, he made sure he gave the ground a high 5!

    It also gave him a breakthrough in his modelling career..

    Well Capoeira did give him wings to fly, or at least showed him the flight path...

    Well, you are a crazy combination of funny one liners

    And some deadly marital art!

    And if you don't believe me, come check it out for yourself at Ravinder Natya Mandir every Monday-Wednesday for some hardcore yet fun classes of Capoeira!

    Wishing you a very happy birthday Instrutor Cabecca!