This Motivational Dancing Guy Is Leaving People Absolutely Shooketh

    "I guess I make these videos because I just like making people feel good."

    Meet Dontè Colley. He's a 21-year-old from Toronto, Canada whose motivational dance videos are inspiring people online to keep going.

    And if you aren't sure what a motivational dance video looks like, check out Dontè's new year video, delivered with a combination of choreography, emojis and an important message.

    Dontè, who divides his time between content making and working as an inventory associate for a womenswear brand, said the process for making his motivational dance videos was "simple."

    "I will do like a draft, a good copy and then a final copy and then [...] I will just upload it into Premiere Pro and After Effects and load it up with whatever message I feel that video kind of tells," said Dontè.

    He added: "At the end of the day the point is just have fun, not take it too seriously and just literally go off."

    And people are loving the messages of his videos.

    With a new wave of followers heading to his Instagram page to see what inspiring gems he has to offer, Dontè says his new online support makes it all "worth doing."

    And this motivational performer has no plans on stopping anytime soon.

    He told BuzzFeed News: "I don’t think I will ever stop making videos just because that to me is kind of like a creative outlet and it’s just something fun that I can do on the side so I don’t think I could stop because I’ve been doing for so long."