

Things I care about and why: God. He's everything we as humans have on this earth. All we have comes from Him and his mercy. He has taken my sin and cast it away from me. He has sanctified me to serve and glorify Him until I draw my last breath. This I plan to do. My Mother. She's been with me through every hard time and every highlight in my life. I wouldn't trade her for anything or anyone in this earth. My friends. If one is a genuine friend to me, (and there are few), then you put up with innumerable immaturities to see the man I really I am. I love you. Music. Without music; I would perish. Things I don't care about and why: Sports. How pointless to spend one's time here on earth following meaningless statistics about how far someone can hit a ball or how fast one can throw something. Utterly. Pointless. The number of friends I have. I consider the ones who are true friends as sort of an elite group that have taken the time to find the true me. The rest aren't worth my time. News. I give very little thought to current events. I'm not insensitive, I just dont need anything more to think about. Being my brain is a full time job, and the bosses refuse to pay overtime for mindless information. The number of friends you have. That's the most insecure thing you can point out about yourself. some more things about me I'm Superman. I save people. The people I genuinely associate with says more about me then I ever could. Friend counts and pints of beer mean very little in the long run. You'll find me in lengthy textversations, and long emails. You'll find me when you tell me what's wrong, and I give you God. You'll find me by letting me find you. The longer you know me, and the deeper friends we become, the greater you'll appreciate the idiot that resides on the outside. He's a monster granted; but he hides a well thought out man beneath. oh, and <--->

Sep 2010
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