26 Simple Pleasures That Instantly Brighten Your Day

    It's the little things in life.

    1. Waving your hand in front of an automatic paper towel dispenser.

    2. Taking off your shoes and socks at the end of a long day.

    3. A good yawn.

    4. The crisp pop when you open a can of soda.

    5. A clean rip.

    6. The sweet release that accompanies a really good knuckle-cracking session.

    7. Opening an envelope without leaving scraggly edges.

    8. When your non-stick pan works perfectly.

    9. Crunchy leaves.

    10. Opening a new book for the very first time.

    11. Socks right from the dryer.

    12. Getting into the shower when the water is at the exact perfect temperature.

    13. Tapping your fingers along to your favorite music.

    14. The cozy embrace of your comforter.

    15. Watching a drop of rain cascading slowly down the window.

    16. A hug with someone you love.

    17. Biting into a crunchy apple.

    18. Catching a snowflake on the tip of your tongue.

    19. When you remove a sticker and don't leave behind any residue.

    20. Finding the last parking space.

    21. Perfectly broken chopsticks.

    22. Clicking with wild abandon.

    23. Dancing on a moving walkway.

    24. Successfully twisting an Oreo.

    25. Going through a revolving door over and over.

    26. And any time you see a good friend.