You Are Living Incorrectly If You Don't Crack Your Knuckles

    Get crackin'!

    Gather round, friends, because it's time we had a very important discussion about the pure GLORY that is cracking your knuckles.

    (Take a moment to crack yours, if you need to, before we get down to business.)

    You all good? Well then, it's time to get started.

    First, let's get the classic argument against knuckle cracking out of the way: that cracking your knuckles gives you arthritis. Fact: lol nah.

    What do you get from cracking your knuckles, then? Only the GREATEST SENSE OF RELIEF AND RELAXATION KNOWN TO MAN.

    Crack my knuckles. Hear that? That's the sound of relief

    The relief when you crack your knuckles

    You don't know relief until you crack your back, neck, knuckles, toes, & hips

    And the sound. The sound is SO DAMN SATISFYING. A little auditory confirmation of the relief you're about to feel.

    That feeling you get when you crack a tense knuckle and it makes that satisfying sound 😌😏

    "Nooo, that sound is so gross," I can hear you saying. No. You are incorrect.

    And the knuckles on your fingers are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to joint cracking. You can do your neck, your back, your ankles and toes. The body is a wonderland of joints to crack.

    Now, let's turn to our panel of esteemed business experts to hear their opinion on people who don't crack their knuckles.

    Not cracking your knuckles means you never release that tension. Your body becomes a restrictive prison in which relief can never be felt. You walk around the world seeing only in shades of gray.

    Why would you deny yourself joy? Why would you deny yourself comfort? Why would you deny yourself the best possible life?

    So please, if you don't crack your knuckles, give yourself a gift. Take a crack.

    Because you deserve it.