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    11 Students Whose Punishments We Wish Were Made Up

    Detention is so 20th century. Instead of report cards, some schools are doling out criminal records.

    1. A 5-year-old student from Pennsylvania was suspended for a Hello Kitty bubble gun that school officials called a "terrorist threat."

    2. A 16-year-old California student had her wrist broken by school security and was arrested over "spilled cake."

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    3. A 12-year-old student in Texas was charged with a misdemeanor for spraying herself with perfume and "disrupting class."

    4. A 16-year-old student in Florida was arrested and expelled for an explosive 'science experiment' on school grounds.

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    5. A student in New York was told to lick his desk after doodling on it.

    6. A 13-year-old New Mexican student with autism was arrested for burping in class.

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    7. Students of color in Utah were targeted in a “gang sweep.” They were detained, interrogated, and falsely accused of participating in “gang activity.”

    8. A 7-year-old in Maryland was suspended for shaping his pop tart into a gun.

    9. A third grader in North Carolina was strip-searched after his teacher suspected he stole something.

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    10. A 15-year-old student in Wisconsin was handcuffed in front of his entire school, arrested, and charged for 'stealing' $2.60 worth of chicken nuggets from the school cafeteria -- he said a friend gave him the nuggets.

    11. A 14-year-old student in Michigan was handcuffed and expelled from school for a very minor incident. Now he’s under house arrest.

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    ACLU / Via

    Want to do something about it? Tell the Michigan State Legislature to reform ‘zero-tolerance’ laws now so that our kids are put on a path to success rather than a path to prison.

    The ACLU believes that children should be educated, not incarcerated.

    We are working to challenge numerous policies and practices within public school systems and the juvenile justice system that contribute to the school to prison pipeline. For more information go to