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    Lake Tahoe: What Dreams Are Made Of

    These pictures of Lake Tahoe will make you wish you had enough frequent flier miles to go to Lake Tahoe... and also a jet ski.

    Why does Lake Tahoe have to be in Northern California? I mean as a resident of Los Angeles I should be entitled to everything, and I'd like this pristine sapphire lake NOW PLEASE!

    OK, now that my tantrum is over, let's talk Tahoe. This place is absolutely as beautiful as the pictures make it look. I'm trying to plan a trip there now, but for some reason my friends need more then 24 hours notice.

    Lake Tahoe is on the border of California and Nevada, west of Carson City. I know, it sucks we have to share it with Nevada, but don't get too down- this lake is 22 miles long and 12 miles across, so there is plenty for the both of us.

    Lake Tahoe is a popular place for both winter and summer activities, because of course. It's perfect there remember? While winter sports are not in season, the summer is well underway. August is the warmest and busiest month, so now is the ideal time to go. Sure, the water is going to be brisk, but no one will be around to watch how long it takes you to dive in.

    Now if youll excuse me I have a Lake Tahoe Dream House pinterest board to create.