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    A Must Have Skill On Your Profile #MyEmailMyIdentity

    So you got a new Job. Yahoo !! With the new job came your new identity, a new email address. mygeneralboringname@somebilliondollarcompany(dot)com. Excited, ready and on the job.

    So you got a new Job. Yahoo !! With the new job came your new identity, a new email address. mygeneralboringname@somebilliondollarcompany(dot)com. Excited, ready and on the job. One year on, you now have your email well-known within your Organization, Colleagues, Some friends & family and those important communication links with your Banks, service providers and discount coupons. Advancing in life you now have created another email, perhaps from that most known internet webpage you know for that little better looking safely filtered and less cluttered inbox and have that hundreds of Newsletters, Subscriptions and updates you were interested only when u signed up. And now you are quitting your JOB.

    Suddenly you are now out of your Premium id. Off course only temporarily until you have moved to a mega-billion dollar company. You now quickly re-register your cool id with all your different banks, service providers and all other stuff. Luckily you are connected with close folks and colleagues on Social media and more. You are at least not an alien to the people who know you. For all the new things you are doing you now go ahead and make another Email, you know to streamline that important communication, perhaps Job hunting or signing up to an even important website, subscription etc.

    Moved on, got that multi Billion dollar Premium email id. Got the power, shared it again for all the important & not so important communication. Every now and then browsing through every social platform, sometimes surfing through your several email addresses, Gliding through Godzilla sized inbox's and continuously coding yourself to cryptograph your already maxed out random access memory chip in your Brain. Remember just how many times you have forgotten a password to that important email address you went back looking for some important old email you had seen. Luckily you remember your neighbors second pet name, the first place where you saw Trees or your cats birthday.

    Gaining super powers your browser is almost at a default setting to help you open your most visited webpage and even offering you to remember you fully. You give them that special permission or not you have already been stereotyped. Rather your general and personal email address has been a subject of your different or temporary life. Your mailbox is Junked to a million mails from every red street corner to every make quick online money service in the Universe. Did we forget to mention about enhancements,. Seriously, are you kidding me. And one day you receive a reply to an email you would probably have never sent or even heard off. Irritated being spammed you would perhaps want to have a new email again. Looking at the common phenomena around you take special spiritual class to look deep into yourself to develop that special algorithm to cryptogram your access to your list of emails, social media, your phone and everything online.

    Slowly you have learned to sail through the high tides of online communication management. Acquired Special coding skills to have numerous cryptographic access gateways and excelled to completely reinvent your identity as per demand. Not forgetting to mention the effort you have put in to balance between your id's. Thus making you the owner of some Special skill you have acquired.

    I leave it onto you to do the honors of Christening this otherwise uncherished mastery.