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    Full House: Back To School Blues

    Donna Jo “D.J.” Tanner learns the hard way that she’s not in elementary school anymore..

    Oh, the tween angst! It’s the first day of junior high for D.J. Tanner (Candace Cameron Bure) and she’s learning the hard way that she’s not in elementary school anymore.

    The new school year is starting. Stephanie, who is entering 2nd grade, is the only Tanner left in her school, and she expects a bad day at school. But instead, against her expectations, it turns out to be a good day for her (including being chosen as the Room 7 official fish feeder).

    The same can’t be said for D.J., who is entering 7th grade, which is a step closer to becoming a teenager. On her first day at Van Atta Junior High, D.J. is separated from her best friend Kimmy (except for sixth period Spanish) and humiliated by a mean girl named Colleen and her gang (who are dressed like tarts). Finally, she discovers that she’s wearing the same outfit as the annoying lunch lady Mrs. Agbabian, and has to eat lunch in a phone booth (because no one else would let her sit with them).

    The next morning, D.J., along with Kimmy, decides to put on makeup. The reason why is because she believes the only way to fit in among the other students is to do what virtually the other 7th graders are doing when they put on makeup — look twice as old as she really is. However, Danny thinks D.J. is overdoing it, so he lets Rebecca help D.J. with the makeup.

    The next day, Kimmy’s schedule changes so that she and D.J. can have the same lunch — especially with D.J.’s new friends from her English class, Karen Sykes and Susan Ericson, who are sitting at Colleen’s gang’s table. When D.J. tells Colleen that her table is now a “scrub” table but that she’s welcome to join them, Colleen laughs a little before saying, “I’d rather eat in a phone booth.” So she and her gang split up and go eat at different tables.

    Meanwhile, Joey tries to teach Jesse how to play golf in order to impress a golfing client.

    Basically, D.J. learned the hard way that girls can be mean to each other sometimes. But thankfully for her, everything turned out all right in the end.. :)